Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pilgrim or Indian

Will's preschool is having Thanksgiving and the kids dress up as Indians or Pilgrims. So, I just knew that Will would want to be an Indian, so I have been researching how to make a cute costume. Well, today we were at Wal-Mart and I was looking for a shirt, and Will informed me that he was being a Cool Pilgrim. Cool Pilgrim???? So I tried to tell him it would be like wearing church clothes, thinking that he would not want to, since he throws a fit almost every Sunday. Oh no, church clothes will be fine for this Pilgrim. So, if you have any ideas on how I can make him look like a pilgrim please share.

1 comment:

Loving My Life said...

Ha kids...hehe You think you have the answers and them bam!! I haven't got any as of right now but I will keep thinking!